Aquawrap® | ||
Metal Structures Sign-Structure Repair Several states utilize welded aluminum structures to support freeway and throughway signage. These structures are continuously battered by wind and vibration loads, freeze-thaw cycles, and other environmental conditions. These extra loads have put undue stress on the welds which has caused them to be damaged. In some cases, the welds at the joints of these structures have either partially or fully cracked. The exact failure mechanism has not been isolated, but the need to reinforce them is urgent. There are dozens of different shapes, angles, and sizes of joint members, so construction of reinforcement clamps wasn't practical. Welding was not preferred, as that was the problem in the first place, and field welding over traffic was difficult at best. A thorough field procedure has been developed and implemented for this repair. Surface preparation is crucial, and the procedure includes specified cleaning chemicals, abrasives, and safety gear. By using a kit concept, all the materials needed to do the job are readily available. Technicians are trained and certified for installations and most jobs can be done in less than one day. Aquawrap® is the simplest, most cost-effective repair you can find.